About me

About me

The things that makes me thrive.

You know those kids that always have their nose in a book – I was one of them. I also had a best friend that was imaginary, and I created worlds & landscapes to disappear to on a regular basis.

And I still do – only in a more structured, professional way.

Today I dive deep into the worlds of women that have a heartfelt wish to communicate their ideas, visions and stories.

Each person that comes to me opens up a world that I step into. I’m allowed to explore – and sometimes get lost – in their world of expertise and knowledge.
So the intuitive sense to imagine new worlds is now my creative prowess.

By tuning into the essence of your story and ideas, I create your visual world and landscape. It’s your own unique world that mirrors your vision and makes you feel at ease to generously and honestly share your message.

I wrap the ideas and visions of soulful women in visual poetry.

My passion.

Deep and devoted.

Typography is my passion, the shapes and forms of letters and the white space in between. It’s in my genes as my father was a letterpress craftsman.

Books and magazines that are beautifully crafted, with every angle of design and typography in mind, gives me goosebumps.

When we work together, I can’t create something out of nothing, so be prepared to do some deep and focused thinking to get clarity on how you want to be in business. I ask a lot of questions and don’t give up until there is a stable foundation to grow your visual expression from.

On a more personal note, nothing makes me happier than a sunny day, a great song and laughing out loud. I love lakes and oceans, forest and wild gardens, deep and spiritual conversations and time to let them flow uninterruptedly. Quiet time, solitude and friends who get me are also important to me.

My longing in life is to be devoted to living – not just be alive. With that comes being with and doing things wholehearted. And deep. And sustainable. Both in business and privately.

About me - To thrive
About me & you

About you

Purposeful & empowering

Could it be that you do not want to spend any more time and energy figuring out design? Or continuously fight with different tools to add beauty and harmony to your communication?

Could it also be?

  • You are grounded in your belief in yourself and your vision.
  • You have cycled through the first version of being in business and desire to communicate genuinely and generously.
  • You need solutions that make you visible and your message sensed and treasured.
  • You sense that something is missing in the way you are told to do and take action in your business.
  • You are based in purpose more than profit and centre on empowering instead of restraining – when it comes to yourself and others.

I know, for sure, that we are not here to do things alone. I am here for you – to guide, support and create soulful design & make it understandable, accessible and easy for you to use.


Join my newsletter

My newsletter allows me to talk to people who want to listen.

I will absolutely not narrow it down to fit in a single niche and it will be with my thoughts and voice.

It might be about community, nature, typography, cyclic living, conversation starters, visual poetry and a sprinkle of magic.

You are in!