Guided by the rhythm of nature
I firmly believe that we need to find a rhythm to life that allows for more than efficiency, consumption and productivity. A rhythm where expansion, transformation, reflection and rest are not just words but become a part of our lives.
With the Wheel of the Year as a foundation I’ve created eight guides – one for each season. These guides offer prompts, rituals and wisdom to help you align with the natural flow of the seasons and integrate them into your daily life.
In English.
Och på svenska.
Free download.
Embrace the darkness & rest
Northern Hemisphere: October 31
Southern Hemisphere: April 30
Evoke pleasure
Northern Hemisphere: May 1
Southern Hemisphere: November 1
Tend to the roots to find the seeds
Northern Hemisphere: December 21/22
Southern Hemisphere: June 20/21
Possibility & challenge
Northern Hemisphere: June 20/22
Southern Hemisphere: December 20/21
To hurry slowly
Northern Hemisphere: February 2
Southern Hemisphere: August 1
Gather the gold
Northern Hemisphere: August 1
Southern Hemisphere: February 1/2
A budding sensation
Northern Hemisphere: March 19/22
Southern Hemisphere: September 21/22
Honour duality
Northern Hemisphere: September 22/23
Southern Hemisphere: March 20/21
The book
I poured my wisdom into every seasonal guide with the aim of offering it for free to everybody. (And each part is still free!).
I’ve also compiled all of them into a book. A companion on your journey through the Wheel of the Year and a lovely way to get to journal and track your seasonal rhythm.
Available on Amazon.
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