Book Cover | Mouna Bouslouk

Book Cover | Mouna Bouslouk

Book Cover Mouna Bouslouk Le Dragon de l’Ouest Mouna came to me when she wanted a beautiful cover for re-publishing Le Dragon de l’Ouest as a hardcover book. As a starting point for book covers, the author receives a workbook to convey both an overview and...
Workbook Design | Peg Kusner

Workbook Design | Peg Kusner

Editorial Design Peg Kusner Beyond Your Kitchen Table Peg Kusner has a deep knowledge and long experience as an interior designer. She wanted to create a tool that could guide soloprenuers to create a workspace that reflected and supported them. We landed in a...
Red Cross | Book Cover

Red Cross | Book Cover

Book Cover Design Red Cross In celebration of 150 years in Sweden the Red Cross wanted to release a new edition of the book that led to the founding of the Red Cross – Henry Durant ‘s A Memory of Solferino. My mission was to create the new cover. Details CLIENT The...
The Book of Emotion | Project

The Book of Emotion | Project

Book Design The Book of Emotions During 2017 I, each month, sent out an open invitation to heart leaders, highly sensitives, empaths and survivors to write about a feeling and emotion. I explored the emotions with my craft – graphic art and book design and every...