Book Cover Mouna Bouslouk Le Dragon de l’Ouest Mouna came to me when she wanted a beautiful cover for re-publishing Le Dragon de l’Ouest as a hardcover book. As a starting point for book covers, the author receives a workbook to convey both an overview and...
Editorial Design Peg Kusner Beyond Your Kitchen Table Peg Kusner has a deep knowledge and long experience as an interior designer. She wanted to create a tool that could guide soloprenuers to create a workspace that reflected and supported them. We landed in a...
Book Cover Design Red Cross In celebration of 150 years in Sweden the Red Cross wanted to release a new edition of the book that led to the founding of the Red Cross – Henry Durant ‘s A Memory of Solferino. My mission was to create the new cover. Details CLIENT The...
Book Design The Book of Emotions During 2017 I, each month, sent out an open invitation to heart leaders, highly sensitives, empaths and survivors to write about a feeling and emotion. I explored the emotions with my craft – graphic art and book design and every...